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6156  Photos online,  3527  airplanes,  269  Airlines.


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Terms and Conditions.     AIRSP

Airlinespotting.com is an online database with images of commercial airliners airlines in order to provide a detailed overview of the types of aircraft and airlines. Visitors can find information and photos of aircraft. After accepting the terms and conditions, users can upload and share your own photos of planes on the website.

1. Create an account

Users can register for a free member account . The registration form allows you to choose a user name , author name and password for your membership and must be completed truthfully and accurately . Names are forbidden to violate third party rights, in particular trademarks or naming rights , and illegal or immoral names.

By submitting the registration form , the user agrees to the Terms of Use and acknowledge that you have read and understood the Terms of Use . If Airlinespotting.com accept the offer, the member will receive an email confirmation . Airlinespotting.com reserves the right to reject submissions for membership without notice.

The member is responsible for their data and membership is required to keep all data up to date.

The logon data - especially including the password - should not be disclosed to third parties.

Member is responsible for the use and / or any activity undertaken with your account or data / membership in accordance with the law. Airlinespotting.com not responsible for damages caused by a violation of security or unauthorized use.

It is forbidden to create multiple accounts membership.

2 . Uploading Photos

Only registered users can upload photos Airlinespotting.com aircraft.

3 . Author attribution

The author's name is displayed in each photo uploaded in the following format: " © name ".

4 . prohibited Use

Use is expressly prohibited " s thumbnails on other websites without providing sufficient attribution to the author ( in the format: " Copyright © Display name / author name Airlinespotting.com s "or" © name display name / author ' s " ) is strictly prohibited. 's also not allowed to copy, multiply or publish photos Airlinespotting.com aircraft without prior permission of the author.

Members are responsible for ensuring photos and other content uploaded by them are free of viruses, worms , Trojan horses or other malicious software that may jeopardize or impair the content or functionality Airlinespotting.com.

5 . Author liability and warranty

When uploading photos of airplanes, the member claims to be the sole owner (author) and holder of the copyright of these pictures . The member also ensures that he / she has the right to grant Airlinespotting.com all rights required by this license agreement and that no right or license to contradict this agreement have already been granted to third parties.

The member (author) , climbing aircraft photos through your account , indemnifies Airlinespotting.com of any third party claim arising from the culpable violation of these terms and the rights recognized herein.

If a third party sues Airlinespotting.com due to a negligent violation of obligations by the author , especially in relation to violations of copyright, personal rights , property rights or intellectual property rights , the author shall indemnify Airlinespotting.com any liability and costs.

This also applies if a member or guest is attributable to a third party for breach of his / her obligations to an author in relation to the transfer of rights of use.

6. Grant of Rights Licensing Author for Airlinespotting.com.

The member who upload photos of planes Airlinespotting.com granted a free limited license , revocable , non-exclusive , worldwide, to use photos of airplanes royalties. The author explicitly gives Airlinespotting.com the right:

Copy and post pictures of aircraft and additional content Airlinespotting.com,
stored in the servers Airlinespotting.com database,
edit - if required - for purposes of publication in Airlinespotting.com.

Members / Authors are not entitled to any compensation for the rights granted.

All other rights to the images of aircraft, including copyright and intellectual property rights remain with the author.

Airlinespotting.com grants no rights or licenses in excess of those specified in the conditions of use to others.

7. Responsibility Airlinespotting.com

Although Airlinespotting.com it reserves the right to review aircraft photos copyright violations , is not obliged to do so. Airlinespotting.com says it is not possible technically or manually check all photos of charged planes and additional content for copyright violations.

The responsibility for ensuring the legality and legitimacy of the grant of rights to use the photos loaded aircraft and additional content lies solely with the author . Airlinespotting.com no responsibility in this regard.

8. Publicacón photo Airlinespotting.com

Airlinespotting.com reserves the right to refuse to post pictures of aircraft and / or aircraft delete photos posted without notice , especially if there is evidence of a violation of these Terms of Use.

The author has no legal right to have his / her pictures of planes and additional content posted on Airlinespotting.com

9. Termination of Membership

The membership may be terminated by the member or Airlinespotting.com at any time for any reason. The notice of termination of the member must be sent by the contact form on the web Airlinespotting.com.

10. Privacy

Airlinespotting.com takes your privacy very seriously and adheres strictly to the rules of the applicable privacy laws . Personal information is only collected if technically necessary . Personal information will not be sold or provided to third parties under any circumstances.

11 . Cookies Policy

Click here to see our Cookies Policy.

    Copyright © 2014-2024.    Francisco Escudero.    Palma de Mallorca.




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Terms and conditions